3.d. Word Clouds

A popular way of visualizing the content of a corpus is to build a word cloud. There aren't many conclusions you can draw from word clouds, but they're nonetheless amusing.

First, we build the word cloud of the entire corpus, without pruning any words.

from collections import Counter

from IPython.display import Image
from wordcloud import WordCloud

import haikulib.eda.colors
from haikulib import data, nlp, utils

bag = data.get_bag_of("words", add_tags=False)
del bag["/"]
wordcloud = WordCloud(
    max_words=500, width=1600, height=900, mode="RGBA", background_color=None


We can see some of the interesting bits, but they're overwhelmed by words like "a", "the", "in", and "and". These words are called "stop words", and we should remove them.

word cloud with stop words
Word cloud with stop words
bag = {k: v for k, v in bag.items() if k not in nlp.STOPWORDS}

wordcloud = WordCloud(
    max_words=500, width=1600, height=900, mode="RGBA", background_color=None


The results are much more interesting. The resulting word cloud follows my preconceived notions about haiku, and in this particular case, they seem to be supported by evidence.

word cloud without stop words
Word cloud without stop words

Another set of word clouds I'd like to make is the occurrence of flora and fauna in the haiku corpus.

# Form a list of haiku without the `/` symbols.
df = data.get_df()
corpus = []

for haiku in df["haiku"]:
    corpus.append(" ".join(haiku.split("/")))

flower_names = data.get_flowers()
animal_names = data.get_animals()

color_counts = Counter()
color_values = dict()
_df = haikulib.eda.colors.get_colors()
for _, row in _df.iterrows():
    color = row["color"]
    color_counts[color] = row["count"]
    color_values[color] = row["hex"]

flowers = Counter()
animals = Counter()

for haiku in corpus:
    # Update the counts for this haiku.
    flowers.update(nlp.count_tokens_from(haiku, flower_names, ngrams=[1, 2, 3]))
    animals.update(nlp.count_tokens_from(haiku, animal_names, ngrams=[1, 2, 3]))

There is a large amount of flora mentioned in the haiku, most of which are (naturally) flowers and trees.

wordcloud = WordCloud(
    max_words=500, width=1600, height=900, mode="RGBA", background_color=None

Flora in the haiku corpus
Flora in the haiku corpus

My big list of fauna also contains a number of flora, but I've done my best to filter those out.

wordcloud = WordCloud(
    max_words=500, width=1600, height=900, mode="RGBA", background_color=None

Fauna in the haiku corpus
Fauna in the haiku corpus

Lastly, here's a simple representation of the color palette of the haiku. Note I had to modify some of the light and dark color values so that they're visible with a transparent background.

def color_words(word, *args, **kwargs):
    # Black on a black background doesn't look so hot.
    rgb = color_values[word]
    if word in {"white", "blank", "milk", "bone"}:
        rgb = color_values["snow"]
    elif word in {"black", "raven", "shadow"}:
        rgb = color_values["dark"]

    return rgb

wordcloud = WordCloud(

Color palette word cloud
Color palette word cloud