Producing SVG Images with TikZ

It's a fairly simple process as long as you're using Linux. This process requires pdf2svg .

First, make a TikZ image:



    \draw #1+(\AngleStart:0.4cm) arc (\AngleStart:\AngleEnd:0.4cm);

        \coordinate (O) at (0, 0);
        \coordinate (z) at (3, 3);
        \coordinate (a) at (3, 0);

        \draw [->, thick] (-1, 0) -- (5, 0);
        \draw [->, thick] (0, -1) -- (0, 5);

        \draw (O) -- (z);
        \draw (O) -- (z) node[above, midway]{$r$};
        \draw (a) -- (z) node[right, midway]{$a$};
        \draw (O) -- (a) node[below, midway]{$b$};

        \draw (z) node[circle, fill, inner sep=1pt]{} node[right]{$z$};
        \draw (O) node[left, yshift=-0.25cm]{$O$};
        \draw (O) node[xshift=0.55cm, yshift=0.2cm]{$\phi$};


Then compile it with pdflatex polar.tex . Then convert the PDF to SVG with pdf2svg polar.pdf polar.svg . The above code produces the following SVG image:

 polar coordinates

If you compile with the -shell-escape flag, you can tell pdflatex to compile both a PDF file and an SVG image by adding the convert option to the standalone document class.

    convert={outext=.svg, command=\unexpanded{pdf2svg \infile\space\outfile}},

If you need to do this more often, you can create a standalone.cfg file in the same directory as polar.tex with this inside:

% Local standalone.cfg file
\input{standalone/standalone.cfg}% Load main standalone.cfg file
\standaloneconfig{convert={outext=.svg, command={pdf2svg \infile\space\outfile}}}

And then use \documentclass[tikz]{standalone} for your documentclass just like the first example. Be sure to add the -shell-escape flag to pdflatex .